A bright and elegant yet very comfortable yellow bandhani style lehenga choli with a tie knot at the back. The lehenga and choli is indian yet gives out a western outlook. The attire is complimented with red and bright lace all over. The attire can be worn during a puja or a formal get together.
The product is Made In India and we are extremly conscious on selecting the fabric as well as the design of the attire so that it does not make the child uncomfortable yet at the same time the attire will make your child stand out in every function whatsoever because of our unique designs.
- Top Fabric: cotton
- Bottom Fabric: cotton
- Lining Fabric: NA
- Top Type: Choli
- Bottom Type: Lehanga
- Dupatta: NA
- Neck: Round Neck
- Sleeves Length: Sleeveless
- Bottom Closure: Slip-On
- Pack of Lehenga Choli
- Wash Care: Dry Clean
- Note: If you want to customize the product please contact support@sakadesigns.in / +91 98733 08840